What is an Official Plan?
An Official Plan is a forward-looking document that describes the community’s long term vision and sets out related goals and policies for directing land use and development and guiding decision-making by Town Council.
The Plan sets out the criteria to be considered for all development proposals within the Town to promote positive community growth and improvement.
It provides direction related to the location and density of housing, business and industry, tourism and economic development, protection of the natural environment, managing population and growth, planning of roads and infrastructure, the provision of parks and community facilities, urban design and other matters.
All by-laws passed and all public works undertaken by the Town must conform to the Official Plan.
How Does the Official Plan Affect You?
The Official Plan is the guiding document for land use and development in your community.
It directs where new development will occur, what services will be needed and how they will be provided, and when and in what order parts of your community will grow and change.
Policies of the Official Plan are implemented by a Zoning By-law which regulates the use of land and the form of buildings and structures on each property in the Town.
The Zoning By-law must conform to the Official Plan.